
Showing posts from May, 2019

Android MaterialDrawer - A Custom Navigation Drawer

Does your application contain a Drawer ? Do you want to have it up and running in less than 5 minutes ? Do you want your drawer to follow the Android Design Guidelines ? Do you have profiles ? Do you need flexibility ? Is Google's navigation Drawer of the design support not enough for you? Do you want a simple and easy to understand api? If any (or all) of these questions seem familiar, the MaterialDrawer is the perfect library for you all. Never waste your time again. It provides you with the easiest possible implementation of a navigation drawer for your application. There is a Header with profiles ( AccountHeader ), a MiniDrawer for Tablets (like Gmail), provide custom DrawerItems , custom colors , custom themes , ... No limits for customizations. A quick overview of what's in it the easiest possible integration integrate in less than 5 minutes uses the androidX support libraries compatible down to API Level 14 includes an AccountSwitcher quick and simpl...

Android Bootstrap - Bootstrap UI widgets

Android Bootstrap is an Android library which provides custom views styled according to the Twitter Bootstrap Specification . This allows you to spend more time on development rather than trying to get a consistent theme across your app, especially if you are already familiar with the Bootstrap Framework. Quick Start Add the following dependency to your build.gradle, ensuring you replace 'X.X.X' with the latest version on the button above: dependencies { compile ' com.beardedhen:androidbootstrap:{X.X.X} ' }   You should also override your application class with the following: public class SampleApplication extends Application { @Override public void onCreate () { super . onCreate(); TypefaceProvider . registerDefaultIconSets(); } }   You should then checkout the library and investigate the sample code, which covers most of the features. The sample app is also available on Google Play . Support If you have...

[UPDATED] Android App development Best practices for Developers

Avoid reinventing the wheel by following these guidelines. Lessons learned from Android developers in Futurice . If you are interested in iOS or Windows Phone development, be sure to check also our iOS Good Practices and Windows App Development Best Practices documents. Summary Use Gradle and its default project structure Put passwords and sensitive data in Use the Jackson library to parse JSON data Don't write your own HTTP client, use OkHttp libraries Avoid Guava and use only a few libraries due to the 65k method limit Sail carefully when choosing between Activities and Fragments Layout XMLs are code, organize them well Use styles to avoid duplicate attributes in layout XMLs Use multiple style files to avoid a single huge one Keep your colors.xml short and DRY, just define the palette Also keep dimens.xml DRY, define generic constants Do not make a deep hierarchy of ViewGroups Avoid client-side processing for WebViews, and bewa...